Restore The Brightness of Your Smile With Professional Whitening Sessions

benefits of teeth whitening

All kinds of people desire a gorgeous smile. As a step toward reaching this goal, many are choosing dentist-performed teeth whitening. It is an in-demand aesthetic dental procedure due to its remarkable advantages beyond whiter teeth. At-home tooth whitening kits simply cannot compare to the remarkable and longer-lasting aftereffects of professional teeth whitening.

Customized Treatments And Results

Normally, in aesthetic dentistry, a generalized system will not work for each unique case. Individuals' goals can be extremely varied. Dental practitioners use their training and skills while looking over teeth to determine the cause of any discoloration.

In addition, the dentist will review any previous and future aesthetic dentistry care or restorations you plan to get that could impact your gorgeous outcome. For example, it might be wise to wait before getting new dental crowns or ceramic veneers. This can allow the dentist to construct crowns and veneers that match the coloration of your newly whitened, gleaming teeth. Dental stain removal is a bit harder for patients who have dental restorations. Due to the fact that whitening treatments cannot correct discoloration on dental crowns or veneers, it might be necessary for your dentist to perform numerous techniques to make sure that all of your teeth have an identical shade.

During your consultation, the dental practitioner will create a personalized whitening process that is best for you. The dentist should also determine the likely number of whitening sessions needed to attain the most effective results.

Expert Teeth Bleaching Materials

Store-bought teeth whitening supplies usually contain a smaller quantity of whitening agents compared to whitening processes used in most in-office teeth whitening. Also, clumsy mouth trays and uncomfortable gel applicators could result in inconsistent outcomes and routinely only brighten teeth one shade with each use. Before a professional teeth whitening session, individuals can pick the exact shade of whiteness they aim to accomplish.

At MINT dentistry in Highland Hotel, our group offers quick laser teeth whitening procedures using a process called ZOOM for Dallas, TX locals. ZOOM consists of a unique gel containing hydrogen peroxide that is administered to every tooth one at a time. The remarkable gel is activated by a laser, which enters the tooth and enhances the dingey enamel. This system should bleach the teeth up to six to ten shades. Most dentists recommend that people who undergo laser teeth whitening treatments arrange dental cleanings two times annually. This cleaning will help get rid of new exterior discoloration and ensure your teeth continue to be healthy.

Reduced Tooth Pain

Sometimes, those who try at-home teeth whitening systems might experience tooth discomfort after a few treatments. This might take place if the hydrogen peroxide goes through the surface of the teeth or if they use whitening systems with ill-fitting application devices that inflame the gums and lips. The qualified dental professionals at MINT dentistry in Highland Hotel take fastidious steps to prevent such issues.

Throughout each ZOOM laser whitening treatment in our Dallas, TX facility, the gums and lips are shielded to guarantee that any whitening products impact the teeth only. Afterward, your dental practitioner will apply the bleaching solution to each individual tooth. To cover the eyes from the diode-laser light, patients put on protective safety glasses. Although the technique is painless for virtually all men and women, an anesthetic could be arranged to ease any distress or to calm the gag reflex.

Healthier, Accelerated Treatments

While store-bought whitening kits normally do not present safety concerns for many consumers, several attempts to lighten and enhance teeth without help from a dental professional may lead to chronic tooth problems from sensitivity to extreme temperatures. Because it could take multiple weeks or perhaps months to achieve acceptable effects with pharmacy tooth whitening kits, for example, strips, toothpaste, or gels, tenderness might become an issue. Specific brands could fail completely to generate a whiter smile. Professional teeth bleaching systems are conducted by dental professionals to help patients feel comfortable and guarantee that the teeth and gums are protected during the treatment.

Enduring Outcomes

Over and above the numerous other benefits of professional teeth lightening treatments, their outcomes are visible much longer in comparison to store-bought tooth whitening solutions. Directly after a bleaching session and for approximately 24 hours, we encourage patients to refrain from eating and drinking any dark-colored foods, for example, berries, and beverages like tea or coffee. In addition, whenever convenient, request a paper straw for beverages that could stain the teeth.

Following their ZOOM laser teeth whitening treatment, patients are given a touch-up kit that provides the whitening gel and custom trays. These kits can be applied no more than twice a year to help uphold the cleaner appearance of your smile. At MINT dentistry in Highland Hotel, our team advises practicing good oral hygiene habits by always brushing and flossing any time you eat and before bedtime.

Elevated Self-Confidence and Attitude

Professionally bleached teeth should produce more than an attractive smile. Men and women have increased positive attitudes following their procedure, which empowers them to grow more and more sociable and function better in professional contexts and in important social functions. Whiter teeth will often also erase years from your face, helping you seem more youthful.

Work With Experienced Dentists to Boost the Allure of Your Smile

The beautiful effects generated by expert teeth whitening procedures such as ZOOM and various others are unsurpassed in their abilities to greatly transform a patient's smile and, at the same time, elevate self-assurance. We encourage you to contact MINT dentistry in Highland Hotel and set up a consultation with our talented Dallas, TX aesthetic dental practitioners, who can help you in achieving a truly stunning smile.

    * All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.